Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kitchen Staples

A friend asked me the other day what my "staples" were in the kitchen. I loved the question and have decided to work on a list of my staples and reasons for why.

1. Extra Virgin Oil Olive: No doubt the number one. A good EVOO is probably the most useful and most used ingredient in my kitchen. Great flavor and good for you. My other favorite ingredient would go under this category, White Truffle infused olive oil. I add this to pastas, salad dressing, veggies and even eggs. It has a very strong but delicate flavor that adds .

2. Sea Salt: I prefer to regular table salt for its flavor, coarseness and lower level of processing.

3. Spinach: Healthy green that is not only great alone but delicious cooked with just EVOO and garlic. Easy to add as a nutritious side to pretty much anything.

4. Arugula: Nothing like its peppery sharp taste for a salad or in pasta. One of my favorites is arugula pesto.

5. Rice: This feels like a silly staple but I cook with rice for so many dinners and desserts. Long grain brown rice and jasmine and my favorites. It is the perfect base for any flavor addition weather it's spicy, savory or sweet.

6. Quinoa: This would be the healthier alternative to rice but its nutty flavor makes it better on its own. Perfect for a side dish with a little olive oil and a veggie.

7. Limes/Lemons: I think these guys are so underrated in the kitchen. The acidity brings out the flavor in almost everything. I use the juice or zest of one or the other daily.

8. Honey/Agave: I keep in my pantry not only for my tea but as alternatives to white sugar.

9. Eggs: Brown eggs from the farmer's market are really the best. For baking or cooking alone the fresher the egg, the bester the product tastes. no question.

10. Red pepper flakes or dried peppers: I love spicy.

I will add to this list as I think of anything else important!!

11. Garlic: how could I forget!! This should share the #1 place. Huge staple.

12. Fresh pasta: For the little bit more that it costs, I think that fresh pasta makes the biggest difference.


  1. How about garlic and cheese? Your list has given me some new ideas for my old kitchen...I think I'm in a rut!

  2. thanks for the list nat! very thorough response to my silly question!
